After all, we needed to run. Surely after some time… And suddenly, the silence.

Most of humanity is in confinement, and at our own level the shop and the studio are closed until further notice, as our partners, resellers and production workshops. So I'm writing from my place, and I hope that your friends, family and yourself are safe.

Timing is conducive for reflection and overview.

The Coltesse adventure was built in Action, from few shirts in 2014 to full collections today. My initial ambition was simple : translate the concept of fluency, relaxation and overall by playing with the choice of material, volume and details.
It was also a desire to establish connections. With our clients, our retailers, our workshop with who we are now, we’ve become so close to one and other.

Today, more than ever, the feeling of a « village planet » dominates. If there is any doubt, our actions still have an impact on the world, near or distant, from our physical location.
With Coltesse, I was always aware of our human and environmental impact by taking the time to do the things well: samples development, the choice of materials, fabrication, transport… often in frustration of not reaching far enough but with the great ambition to do better. Coltesse is a eco—conscious brand with a spirit of continuous improvement engraved deeply in its DNA.

Last week, I transformed my flat into a studio with a reduced crew: Ludovic, photographer and neighbor, and I. Back to the basics : a white sheet, plants and ideas… good new: the collection will be finally online in the coming days! 

Stay tuned, for more news soon, about key themes: past, present, future… Taking some of theme one step further…

Until that time, take care and stay safe!


And suddenly the silence

After all, we needed to run. Surely after some time… And suddenly, the silence.

Most of humanity is in confinement, and at our own level the shop and the studio are closed until further notice, as our partners, resellers and production workshops. So I'm writing from my place, and I hope that your friends, family and yourself are safe.

Timing is conducive for reflection and overview.

The Coltesse adventure was built in Action, from few shirts in 2014 to full collections today. My initial ambition was simple : translate the concept of fluency, relaxation and overall by playing with the choice of material, volume and details.
It was also a desire to establish connections. With our clients, our retailers, our workshop with who we are now, we’ve become so close to one and other.

Today, more than ever, the feeling of a « village planet » dominates. If there is any doubt, our actions still have an impact on the world, near or distant, from our physical location.
With Coltesse, I was always aware of our human and environmental impact by taking the time to do the things well: samples development, the choice of materials, fabrication, transport… often in frustration of not reaching far enough but with the great ambition to do better. Coltesse is a eco—conscious brand with a spirit of continuous improvement engraved deeply in its DNA.

Last week, I transformed my flat into a studio with a reduced crew: Ludovic, photographer and neighbor, and I. Back to the basics : a white sheet, plants and ideas… good new: the collection will be finally online in the coming days! 

Stay tuned, for more news soon, about key themes: past, present, future… Taking some of theme one step further…

Until that time, take care and stay safe!

